Question 1: How exactly will my donated funds be used?
Answer: Theresa Street has relatively low overhead due to our regional focus and volunteer management team, which allows us to donate 80-90% of each donation directly to our community partners (in line with some of the most effective charities out there). For this year’s Classic, after costs, we are donating 80% of funds to our primary partner New Bedford Star Kids Program and 20% to #bishstrong.
Question 2: What are the costs to run the 15th Theresa Street Summer Classic?
Answer: Costs include team jerseys, shirts, tournament equipment, and hosting the weekend’s social events. In total, we expect between $5,000 - $6,000 in costs for this year’s Classic, which will largely be covered by team registration fees and sponsorships.
Question 3: Which teams have won the Theresa Street Summer Classic?
Answer: In 14 years, five teams have won the Theresa Street Summer Classic:
The Peats/Padanaram Oyster Farmers - 6x (last in 2019)