Theresa Street's mission is to raise funds and awareness for local organizations (community partners) that we believe are doing meaningful and measurable work in our community - the Southcoast. This year, we have two Community Partners: The New Bedford Star Kids Program and #bishstrong. The New Bedford Star Kids Program, our primary partner for this year’s classic, will receive roughly 80% of the final total donation.
New Bedford Star Kids Program: The mission of the New Bedford Star Kids Scholarship Program is to provide educational opportunities in the form of tuition aid to effective nonpublic schools, uniforms, after-school and summer programs, tutoring and mentoring for high risk, low-income children who have a parent with a history of incarceration and/or substance abuse. Children are typically enrolled in the program between kindergarten and grade four. New Bedford Star Kids’ goal for each child is to graduate from high school. By completing high school and hopefully going on to higher education, these children will have a greater chance of breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty, substance abuse, and incarceration. Learn more in our TS webinar below.